
Friday, November 13, 2009

Snow Canyon Half

So, I realized that I hadn't posted about this yet and it has almost been a week- yikes! I don't have much time to post at the moment but wanted to say that I am alive and well. I am actually very surprised at how good I was feeling this week. I was only a little sore on Sunday (the day after) and I was only sore in my upper back. I'm counting my blessings here because I was expecting to be completely wasted after this one.

A few things:

The course was gorgeous! Red rock everywhere! We had a gravel trail we ran on for about 3 miles and there was a cactus or two. It felt really cool to be running in the "desert". My shoes are still a little red from the sand/dirt but no biggie.

The weather was amazing! The high for St. George that day was 75 degrees! I was wearing shorts and a racing tank. Talk about a complete opposite outfit from the week before! I was wearing earmuffs for goodness sake!

This was the HARDEST course I have ever run. That includes Derryfield (my high school cross country course). The last 3 miles were uphill! Whoever planned the course must have had a lot of fun because really... it was awful! I still did really well- but if it weren't for those last 3 miles- I would've finished in under 2 hours. I was on track to do it and as soon as the lady pacing with me yelled out "5k left!" and we turned the corner my heart sank. Oh well, better luck next time :-)

Pictures are coming!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

What you've all been waiting for!

I posted the real post about this race on our family blog. I am working on turning that blog into a book and I really wanted that in there, so sorry. Click HERE to read it!

For now, here is a picture of my costume! There are more pictures on the other post!